Ready to Sell? Homebuyer Traffic Is on the …

Ready to Sell? Homebuyer Traffic Is on the …

Buyer activity is continuing to rise. Let's connect to discuss why selling your house now could get you …

The Latest Unemployment Rate Fell to 8.4%

The Latest Unemployment Rate Fell to 8.4%

Last Friday, the Bureau for Labor Statistics released their Employment Report for August 2020. The big surprise was that the unemployment rate …

Sellers Are Returning to the Housing Market in …

Sellers Are Returning to the Housing Market in …

In today’s housing market, it can be a big challenge for buyers to find homes to purchase, as …

Two Reasons We Won’t See a Rush of …

Two Reasons We Won’t See a Rush of …

The health crisis we face as a country has led businesses all over the nation to reduce or …

Does Your Home Have What Buyers Are Looking …

Does Your Home Have What Buyers Are Looking …

There’s great opportunity for today’s homeowners to sell their houses and make a move, yet due to the …

Best Time to Sell? When Competition Is at …

Best Time to Sell? When Competition Is at …

In a recent survey of home sellers by Qualtrics, 87% of respondents said they were concerned their home won’t sell because …